Obama´s ceremony: Two sides of the Church.

A few weeks ago, Obama upset some members of the LGBT community by having invited Rev Rick Rave, a outspoken supporter to the opposition of gay marriage in the U.S, to give the invocation at Mr Obama´s inaguration. This casted shadows over Obama's good intentions and doubts about his liberal attitudes.

Now, Rev Gene Robinson, who is in an openly-gay relationship with the same partner for 20 years, have also been invited to the procedings in the ceremony causing some outrage among member of the Christian community.

In a balancing act and, in another sign of his intention to group in the same table as many different opinions as possible, Barak Obama may be forcing the different attitudes within the Anglican Church in America to split over the fact of accepting homosexuality.

It is a good thing for the American Society as it will contribute to a debate and hopefully recognistion of gay marriage by the legal establishmet and the society itself.

My own personal contribution is in the shape of the "montage" you can see in the cartoons.


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